
Former BYU Throwers highlight videos

I found some videos on youtube of some former throwers for BYU. Here they are-

here is an article about soren tallhem-

Quad Test

This Friday the track team will hold it's annual quad test. This is the first of two quad tests we will have this fall. The quad test consists of standing broad jump, 2 foot triple jump, over head shot put and a 30 meter sprint. The throwers usually do really well and hopefully we can sweep the top couple of places. I will post video and results of the test on Friday.


Mr. Olympia Weekend

BYU Throwers Sean and Leif went down to Las Vegas this weekend for the 2010 Mr. Olympia Weekend. Here are some pictures of their adventure.

last week random videos



Article In Long And Strong Throwers Journal

BYU thrower Leif Arrhenius had this article published in the Long and Strong Throwers Journal......

A Great Alternative

By Leif Arrehnius,
Brigham Young University

here is the link:


check it out


New 2011 BYU Thrower Bio's!!!!!!!!!!

I just recently updated and made new bio's for the throwers. Be sure to check out the link on the right!

BYU Throwers PIcture

This is a picture taken today of the whole group. We have a bigger team this year and we will have 2 other throwers who are returning from missions that will join us in January. This should be a very exciting year for us!

Throwers from left to right: Blaine Baker, Zach Stetler, Clint Prestwich, Sean Richardson, Chris Reno, Leif Arrhenius, Mitch Swenson, Oliver Whaley, Colby Barber, Seth

Week 2

This past week was a good week of training. We started our lifting program under our new strength coach Brandon Johnson. He is working us hard and hopefully we will all get strong and powerful doing this program. We are in our hypertrophy phase of training which includes a lot of sets and reps. Posted below is some lifting from this past week.



According to Tony Dziepak "THE THROWERS PAGE" we are ranked as the fourth best throwing program in the NCAA last year. On his website (http://throwerspage.110mb.com/) he explains the formula for determining the rankings. I have no doubt we can do better next year! Here is the top ten rankings..

2009 Division I outdoor
N=500; total min=8.8; sex min=5.6; event min=3.4 or (top 20 and at least 3.2).
school total men women shot disc ham jav
Southern Ill 22.7 9.0 13.7 6.6 5.4 8.7 --
Nebraska 17.9 8.0 9.9 4.3 3.7 5.3 4.6
Oklahoma 17.4 8.3 9.1 5.0 5.8 -- 5.2
BYU 15.8 9.2 6.6 4.3 -- -- 6.4
Southern Cal 14.8 7.7 7.1 -- 3.5 4.2 4.2
Buffalo 14.2 7.5 6.7 5.1 4.0 3.5 --
Louisville 14.1 -- 9.2 -- 4.4 4.0 --
Kent State 13.8 7.8 6.0 3.5 3.6 3.9 --
Colorado St 13.2 6.1 7.1
3.5 4.8 4.3 --
Air Force 13.1 6.6 6.5 -- 3.8 -- 4.2


Clint Prestwich

Clint is back after serving a two year LDS mission to Brazil. Clint is from Rigby, Idaho and is a very good student. Clint did a year of college before his mission and he competed then as well. Clint did well his freshmen year and is motivated to do even better in the years to come.


random training videos from this last week

We were on our own for training this week but will start officially next week. Here are some random vids from some practices that I filmed.